Differential Equations Midterm #2 Review
Differential Equations Midterm #2 Review
- §3.7: Harmonic Motion
- m·u" + γ·u' + k·u = F(t), where m = mass, γ = damping, k = spring constant.
- F(t) is the sum of any external forces (forcing function); zero if there are no other forces.
- If γ=0 (undamped motion), solutions will be sinusoidal. Otherwise, sinusoidal with exponential decay.
- Overdamped: damping too strong (discriminant < 0). Critically damped: discriminant = 0.
- §4.1 & §4.2: Higher Order Differential Equations
- Everything works the same as second order, but more complicated.
- Wronskian is an nxn determinant
- Specific solution requires n points of initial conditions
- For constant coefficients, characteristic polynomial is nth degree and will have n roots
- For repeated roots, use ert, t·ert, t2·ert, t3·ert, etc. as needed
Chapter 6: The Laplace Transform
(I know £ isn't the right symbol but it's the best I could get in HTML!)
- §6.1: Definition
- £{f(t)} = ∫0∞e-st·f(t) dt
- Transforms of various common functions: 1, eat, tn, sin(at), cos(at), eatsin(bt), eatcos(bt), tneat
- §6.2: Initial Value Problems
- £{y'} = s·£{y} – y(0), £{y"} = s2·£{y} – s·y(0) – y'(0), etc.
- Many initial value problems can be solved more easily by taking the Laplace of both sides.
- Simplify, solve for £{y}, and then invert the transform.
- §6.3: Step Functions
- uc(t) is the unit step function; it equals 0 for t∈[0,c) and 1 for t ≥ c.
- Any piecewise function can be written in a single line through use of uc functions.
- Some important Laplace transforms: £{uc}, £{uc·f(t – c)}, and £-1{F(s – c)}
- §6.4: Discontinuous Forcing Functions
- Write the forcing function in terms of uc, and take the Laplace of both sides.
- Decomposition into partial fractions is often useful.
- §6.5: Sudden Impulse Forcing Functions
- The Dirac delta function δ(t) is defined as the limit as τ → 0 of dτ(t),
- where dτ(t) = 1/(2τ) if t∈[-τ,τ], and zero everywhere else.
- Thus δ(t – t0) is "infinite" at t = t0, zero everywhere else, and its integral is 1.
- Laplace transform: £{δ(t – t0)} = e-st0
- This is mainly useful for approximating a short sharp shock at time t0 whose total impulse is 1.