Math 94: Calendar of Events
Tu 1: function walk, syllabus, functions & graphing (§§7.1-3)
Th 3: correct pre-test, review basic algebra, linear functions
Tu 8: function arithmetic (§7.4); variation and formulas (§7.5)
Th 10: systems of 2 equations (§§8.1-2)
Tu 15: systems of 3 equations; applications (§§8.3-5)
Th 17: using augmented matrices to solve systems (§8.6)
Tu 22: using matrix algebra to solve systems (§8.6)
Th 24: Midterm #1 review (chapters 7-8)
Tu 1: Midterm #1 (chapters 7-8)
Th 3: solving inequalities (§9.1); compound inequalities (§9.2)
Tu 8: absolute value (§9.3); systems of inequalities (§9.4)
Th 10: introdcution to radicals (§10.1); radicals as fractional exponents (§10.2)
Tu 15: simplifying radical expressions (§§10.3-5)
Th 17: solving radical equations (§10.6); geometrical applications (§10.7)
Tu 22: complex numbers (§10.8); review
Th 24: more complex numbers (§10.8); Midterm #2 (chapters 9-10)
Tu 5: solving quadratics (§§11.1-3)
Th 7: graphing quadratics (§§11.6-7)
Tu 12: applications of quadratics (§§11.4, 8)
Th 14: exponential functions (§12.2); composite functions and inverse functions (§12.1)
Tu 19: logarithms (§12.3), the number e and natural logarithms (§12.5), properties of logarithms (§12.4)
Th 21: using logarithms to solve equations (§12.6), applications (§12.7)
Tu 26: review
Th 28: Midterm #3 (chapters 11-12; §10.8)
Tu 3: conic sections (§§13.1-3)
Th 5: binomial expansion theorem (§14.4)
Tu 10: sequences; arithmetic vs. geometric sequences (§§14.1-3)
Th 12: series; formulas for evaluation arithmetic & geometric series (§§14.1-3)
Tu 17: Review
Th 19: Review
Tu 24: Final Exam