Circuits Answers 1) 2 A 2) 22 A through battery 12 A, 6 A, 4 A through resistors 3) 60/11 A through upper branch 24/11 A through middle branch 36/11 A through lower branch 4) switch open: 4 A through battery 4 A through middle branch 0 A through lower branch switch closed: 7 A through battery 4 A through middle branch 3 A through lower branch 5) switch open: 12/5 A through battery 12/5 A through middle branch 0 A through lower branch switch closed: 42/13 A through battery 24/13 A through middle branch 18/13 A through lower branch 6) switch open: 12/7 A through battery 6/7 A through each branch 12/7 A through 4 Ωresistor switch closed: 24/11 A through battery 6/11 A through 6 Ωresistor 0 A through 3 Ωresistor 18/11 A through 2 Ωresistor 24/11 A through 4 Ωresistor 7) 20 A through lower battery 16 A through side battery 8 A, 8 A, and 4 A through resistors 8) 4 A through lower battery and lowest resistor no current anywhere else! 9) 24/11 A through battery 12/11 A each through left-side branches 8/11 A, 4/11 A, 4/11 A, and 8/11 A through lower branches 24/11 A through lone right-side resistor